The return of the Fantastic Four marks a significant moment in the Marvel Universe, as they are thrust back into focus amidst the gripping storyline of One World Under Doom. In this narrative, their formidable nemesis, Doctor Doom, has claimed the title of Sorcerer Supreme with plans to dominate the world. To commemorate the essential role that Marvel's pioneering team has played in the overall arc, a variety of variant covers have been crafted by several prominent artists, showcasing the Fantastic Four as they pay tribute to iconic comic book covers. Among these tributes is a recreation of the legendary 1991 X-Men #1 cover created by Jim Lee, reimagined by artist Michele Bandini for X-Men #10. This homage is part of a larger collection of familiar cover recreations, which will grace the covers of Marvel Comics throughout January. The back of these comics will feature the original artwork that inspired the Fantastic Four's versions.
Below is a presentation of the covers, along with a schedule of the comics they will embellish, listed by their release dates:
- January 1
- January 8
- January 15
- January 22
- January 29
The Fantastic Four are also set to take the spotlight in their upcoming Marvel Studios reboot film, scheduled to join the MCU in July 2025.
For further details on what's next in store from the publisher, be sure to explore Marvel's complete January and February solicitations.