Minecraft: Crafting Your First Shelter and Surviving Your First Night

  • Austen Fowler

Welcome to the world of Minecraft! If you're new to this vast, blocky universe, your first night can be intimidating. Here, the night brings dangers in the form of various creatures that roam the landscape. The key to survival lies in quick thinking, swift building, and mastering the basics of crafting. This will walk you through preparing for your first nightfall by creating your very first shelter, ensuring you stay safe and get a jump start in your Minecraft adventure.

Gathering Your First Resources


Your first step in Minecraft is to gather resources. As soon as you spawn, start by punching trees (left-click on PC, R2 on consoles) to collect wood. Wood is fundamental, allowing you to create basic tools and the critical first building blocks of your shelter. Aim to gather at least 20 wood blocks. Next, find and mine some coal – you'll recognize it by the black specks in stone blocks. Coal is essential for making torches, which will light up your shelter and deter monsters.

Crafting Basic Tools

Once you have wood, press 'E' to open your inventory and place the wood blocks into the crafting area to create wooden planks. From these planks, you'll craft your first set of tools. First, make a crafting table by filling all four slots of your crafting area with wooden planks. Place the table on the ground, right-click it (or use the left trigger on consoles), and proceed to craft sticks from your wooden planks. With sticks and planks, you can now create a wooden pickaxe, shovel, and axe – all crucial for faster resource gathering.

Finding The Perfect Spot

With tools in hand, it's time to scout for a location to build your shelter. Look for a flat area close to trees, water, and coal. These resources will be vital for sustaining your Minecraft life. Avoid building too close to dark areas where monsters can spawn, such as dense forests or deep caves, especially if you're not yet equipped to defend yourself.

Building Your First Shelter

Now comes the fun part – building! Your first shelter doesn’t have to be elaborate. A simple 5x5 square structure with a flat roof is plenty for your first night. Use the wooden planks you've crafted for the walls and roof. Ensure you leave a gap for a door and immediately place torches inside and outside your shelter to keep creatures at bay. Crafting a door requires six wooden planks placed in two vertical rows in your crafting table.

Preparing for Nightfall


As dusk falls, your priority should be securing your shelter. Place your crafted door by right-clicking where you want it to go. If you managed to find coal earlier, craft torches using sticks and coal to illuminate your shelter and the area around it. This light keeps most dangers away. Finally, craft a bed (if you have gathered wool from sheep) to skip the night and set your spawn point. If not, stay inside, work on expanding your inventory, or plan your next day's adventures.


Your first night in Minecraft might feel daunting, but with a simple shelter and basic tools, you'll find yourself well-positioned to thrive in the days to come. Remember, Minecraft is about exploration and creativity. Each night survived, and each structure built lays the foundation for your unique journey in this expansive world. Happy crafting!